resolving power

英 [rɪˈzɒlvɪŋ ˈpaʊə(r)] 美 [rɪˈzɑːlvɪŋ ˈpaʊər]

网络  分辨率; 分辨本领; 分辨力; 解像力; 分辨能力



  1. A criterion to determine the maximum resolving power of a resolving power test chart by using Fourier power spectrum is proposed.
  2. The useful magnification by an optical instrument is limited by the resolving power of that instrument.
  3. Diffraction Effects of Laser Beam and Its Influences on Resolving Power of Scanning System
  4. A new electron impact storage ion source has been designed for time of flight mass spectrometers with a high mass resolving power and high sensitivity.
  5. Book learning is not long but the benefits are many, increased resolving power, to get a lot of wisdom in the study, the simple basic things can be measured;
  6. The image of the film is excellent, high resolving power and low noise, no matter the extremely slight calcification, can behave thoroughly clear.
  7. The Perturbed Solutions for a Class of Transcendental Equations and the Estimate of Precision for the Solution It can also be used to measure the resolving power of offset plates.
  8. A bi-energy system with big and small dipoles is used to reduce energy dispersion which is too large to get mass resolving power.
  9. Using photoelectric coder shutter and multi-time-sharing definition image manipulation, a new system of multi-space-time resolving power image collection used in war-field is introduced.
  10. It can also be used to measure the resolving power of offset plates.
  11. Capillary electrophoresis has been developed as an important separation technique, which features high resolving power, small sample volumes, simple pretreatment, and short analysis time.
  12. This method improves the resolving power of the image system without increasing the size of system structure as well as enhance the identify ability of the system.
  13. From the principle of holography, resolving power and design method of digital image are being discussed.
  14. The resolving power of S-wave on random porous rock is stronger than that of P-wave, and S-wave is more sensitive to anisotropy caused by micro-cracks.
  15. Background subtraction and interference correction are the crucial processes to improve the precision and the resolving power of the electron microprobe analyzer.
  16. The Magellan Venus probe was equipped with radar of high resolving power which is capable of probing the surface of Venus under the clouds for making detailed maps.
  17. It can resolve the tactics movement target association problem based on low time resolving power.
  18. The high frequency resolution technology is proposed in this paper, which can improve the resolving power to the small target of the terminal guidance radar in the strong ocean clutter background.
  19. It was found that the coherent length became shorter and the spectrum resolving power became lower as a result of solid angle produced by the extended light source.
  20. PSD is a kind of photoelectric position-sensitive detector, which has the high resolving power and excellent real time nature.
  21. This paper applies diffraction theory, has given the corrected formula of the resolving power of actual grating system.
  22. Silver halides photographic materials, as a traditional photo-chemical imaging system widely used, possesses high sensitivity and resolving power, but are weak for real-time presentation.
  23. The noise decrease the resolving power and dynamic performance of the detectors.
  24. The method about how to calculate the measurement scope and the resolving power of this system were introduced and the reliability of the measurement data was analyzed in this paper also.
  25. Paper presents a simple method for comparing the static resolving power of photographic film and CCD.
  26. A method of raising resolving power for closed-loop load applying system was introduced.
  27. Secondly, the estimation accuracy and resolving power of joint spectrum are investigated.



  1. the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together

      Synonym:    resolution